These 2000s hits probaly couldn’t even get made today:
For those of us born in the 20th century, the 2000s don’t feel that long ago. We were there when people freaked out about Y2K We remember all the bare midriff tops. We listened to all the tacky pop music and pretended we didn’t like it. We obsessed over and boy bands. Things have changed an awful lot since then — something that is very clear when you go back and actually watch the movies of 2000s.
For proof, check out the list of ten films below. They might have been hits 15 or 20 years, They might still be popular today. But none of them could get made today, at least not in a form that resembles the version that got made during the 2000s.These movies include some of the biggest of the decade. But all of them would have trouble getting made today.