You're going to need a serious box of tissues for this one.
© 20th Century Fox / Courtesy Everett Collection
"Our ancestry results show that he is a full brother because of how close our DNA is. My sister and I still love him like he's full blood, though.""We were getting ready to move for dad's job, and he moved first. We found out on Christmas that my dad was off with a woman and her kids."What really broke me: Money was tight, and he bought her kids Christmas presents, and I got nothing. Now, I find myself attracted to douches, and I can't see marriage for me at all.
"Once he left, she swore she would get a divorce, but that never happened. He ended up blaming me for not wanting to get in the middle of their drama, and we spent a year walking on eggshells around my dad to not piss him off, even though every night he would read all of the messages and start screaming at her in the middle of the night.
"The kicker was at this same time, he was having an affair with his high school girlfriend, and I found out that she was not the first person, just like my mom said. In the end, I lost all respect for both my parents, because they decided to stay in their toxic marriage, because it was convenient and they didn’t want people to gossip about them getting a divorce.""My father cheated on my mother, which ended in divorce. I was 8, my sister 11.