Shed some pounds just by changing the way you drink.
leading to weight gain, but not every beverage stands in the way between you and a flat stomach. The way you drink can change the way your body's metabolism works and affect fat buildup, particularly around your midsection. Thanks to cutting-edge science, experts have pinpointed a handful of particular drinking habits that effectively help
, especially when paired with diet and exercise. If you have been working towards developing a flat midsection but have ignored how you drink, make sure you start following these science-approved habits for maximum really cut down on deep-seated stomach fat.When you want to lose weight and cut down on belly fat, it can't hurt to start drinking more water. By drinking a few more cups of water on a daily basis, your stomach feels full, preventing overeating.
If you want to supercharge your water drinking experience for optimal results, make sure you down cold water. Another piece of research retrieved from thefound a link between drinking cold water and extra fat burned. Drinking cold water burns even more fat due to the fact that your body has to warm up the drink, causing extra energy expenditure. The effects of cold water are pretty substantial too.