Ten years on from the death of Savita Halappanavar, there are renewed calls to axe some restrictions on abortion and make it more widely accessible for women.
There are renewed calls to scrap of the three-day wait period for women seeking abortion, as well as an expansion of the service beyond the first 12 weeks.
"While there are severe inadequacies in the law which is being reviewed at the moment ... I am extremely disappointed in the very slow pace of the rollout of proper services." "Only 11 of the 19 maternity hospitals and units are fully operational in the provision of abortion services", she said.Ms Smyth said that she finds the relatively low number of GPs offering the service"incomprehensible", given that it is a legal procedure.Director of the National Women's Council Orla O'Connor concurs that abortion services are not where they need to be.
"She was 31 years of age, she was a vibrant young woman who lost her life in a very traumatic painful and very unnecessary death."