In 2020, Kim Kardashian played a role in granting Alexis Martin clemency, but a recent parole violation landed her back in jail, possibly for life.
parental abuse, depression, and a miscarriage after she was raped at 12 years old—was repeatedly raped and sex trafficked by Angelo Kerney, a 36-year-old man who was fatally shot in a robbery in 2013. Prosecutors argued that the 15-year-old Martin had a role in thecountless systemic failures
that led to this outcome. Even still, numerous appeals and a little attention from the world’s most famous woman were required for Governor Mike DeWine to grant Martin partial clemency. Strict restrictions, which included wearing an ankle monitor and random parole inspections, were mandated as part of her 14-year the time. “The ultimate decision under the Ohio constitution is mine. The buck stops with me. I take responsibility for any decision.
However, Martin said incarceration and trauma incurred from years of abuse irrevocably impacted her romantic relationships. “For the last seven years, I was behind bars and before that, every encounter I’ve had with men wasn’t truly healthy,” she said.Her latest attempt at a healthy relationship, which ultimately led to her reincarceration, was spurred by what Martin thought was a shared history of abuse and sexual violation in childhood.