If Democrats don't get their act together soon on President Biden's 'Build Back Better' plan, they will sink their own agenda and put their hold on power at greater risk.
before the House passes a separate bipartisan infrastructure measure that progressives blocked a few weeks ago.his own infrastructure bill to protect their legislative strategy. Progressives have been holding the infrastructure bill hostage because they worry moderates will walk away from negotiations if it becomes law.
To get a deal, they will have to disappoint progressives — because the plan is essentially a compilation of progressive legislative proposals. But they also risk losing votes based on which parts of the original plan are eliminated or cut back. That's because each program has a constituency in Congress. It is possible that some progressives could rebel against a deal that they see as insufficiently good.Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash.
She and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, have said that they will not give ground on the proposal to expand Medicare — an idea that isSanders escalated the fight Friday by publishing an op-ed extolling the provisions of Biden's plan in Manchin's home state. Biden, who stood with progressives in holding up his own infrastructure bill, clearly doesn't want to get blamed for playing the heavy with his political base.