A look at Republicans vs. Democrats in every county -- and, with primaries for House seats Tuesday, the breakdown in all 12 congressional districts.
Yes, New Jersey Democrats can boast about having more than 1 million registered people in their party compared to Republicans ,But Democrats may have some reason to be concerned ahead of the upcoming midterm elections that extend beyond President Joe Biden’s lackluster approval rating and a long history of voters ousting the party in control of Congress two years after a presidential election.
As voters will head to the polls Tuesday to vote in the Democratic and Republican primaries, the latests stats show New Jersey Republicans added 25,025 people to their party compared to this time last year, while Democrats shed 44,982 registered voters. Republicans also added more voters than Democrats the previous year.People who have not formally claimed any party affiliation had long been the largest number of New Jersey voters. But they ceded ground to Democrats about three years ago.
New Jersey had more than 6.5 million registered voters as of June, nearly 100,000 fewer compared to last year. Here is a county-by-county breakdown of which political party rules in each of New Jersey’s 21 counties and how much each party gained since this time last year. Below that is an added bonus: How each congressional district breaks red and blue after redistricting.