Here, we talk to author, award-winning documentary filmmaker, and creative director of the Cloth of Kindness Sally-Anne Lomas...
Here, we talk to author, award-winning documentary filmmaker, and creative director of the Cloth of Kindness health and wellbeing textile art project Sally-Anne Lomas on everything from her writing process to her favourite reads.Love Like Your Heart’s on Fire. It is a celebration of the power of dance to drive change, and a page-turning story of teenage dreams and devastation.
Sally-Anne Lomas lives in Norfolk, and in addition to being an award-winning documentary filmmaker, creative director, and author, she also runs writing and movement for well-being workshops.My first ambition was to be a dancer, then a mathematician, then an Olympic swimmer, then a tennis player, then an actress. Finally, I decided to be a writer when I was sixteen.Misery. I started writing to deal with my turbulent emotions. I’ve been keeping a journal since I was fourteen.
was a masterpiece. Never have The Troubles been so viscerally expressed. A funny, truthful, terrifying, sad, and brilliant depiction of how politics shapes and distorts everyday lives.Three books everyone should read: