It is alleged that Dr Ahmed Elshafey made remarks to two patients and is also accused of acting inappropriately with a colleague
A doctor accused of making sexually-motivated 'inappropriate' remarks is due to face a misconduct hearing.The MPTS is due to meet to examine the allegations and rule on the doctor's fitness practise this month. The doctor is said to have made the comments to patients to pursue a 'personal and/or emotional relationship'.
The allegation reads: "The tribunal will inquire into the allegation that on 28 February 2020 and on 20 July 2021, during consultations with two patients, Dr Elshafey made inappropriate remarks. It is alleged that Dr Elshafey’s actions were sexually motivated and done in the pursuit of a personal and/or emotional relationship.
"It is further alleged that in or around summer 2021, Dr Elshafey was approached in his office by Nurse C and acted in a way which was inappropriate." The hearing started on September 11 and is due to last for 12 days. According to the medical register, he qualified as a doctor at Tanta University in Egypt and was first registered in 2015.
He has had interim restrictions on his practice placed on him since the beginning of June. MPTS tribunals make independent decisions about a doctor’s fitness to practise.