Prospect of united Ireland not as remote as it once was, says clergyman son of DUP founder Ian Paisley
Son of the DUP founder says the prospect of a united Ireland is not as remote as it once was
Rev Paisley, who made part of his contribution in Irish, said: “My heart is fixed and can’t be won” but he admitted that a “disastrous” Brexit had changed some people’s attitudes. The former Alliance leader and Fine Gael MEP, John Cushnahan, told the committee that he questioned “the wisdom” of those using the recent Northern Ireland census to seek a “premature” border poll.
The Seanad committee on the Voices of all Communities on the Constitutional Future on the Island of Ireland earlier heard from young people north and south of the border about their thoughts on the island’s future.DUP MP Sammy Wilson criticised unionists thinking of attending the Ireland’s Future event in Dublin
The event, to be held at the 3Arena, will hear from a range of politicians, members of civic society, and business representatives.