How do we focus the charity dollar and energy to help save the world from climate change? Can Organized Charities Save the World?
This morning, I was approached by a lovely young lady with a great patter — “I have been waiting here all morning to talk to you,” she said. I had a laugh and just kept walking, musing, “Can organized charities save the world?” On the way out of the supermarket, I stopped to chat to her and explain my position. She was collecting for a well-known and worthy charity that helps restore people’s sight.
So, I don’t give anymore. Many of the animals we don’t eat will end up in zoos. Certainly the koala will — we’ve bulldozed down their entire habitat for housing developments. The kangaroo will survive in the wild — they can handle the harsh desert environments where families don’t want to live. I don’t give anymore because next to climate change, all these other issues are meaningless.