Comic Book Retailers React to Dark Horse Going Exclusive With PRH darkhorse prh diamondcomics
\n Penguin Random House Publisher Services, as well as Diamond owner Steve Geppi's response which was, basically, 'we'll miss the one percent that was Dark Horse.' A number of comic book store owners and employees gathered to discuss the change on Facebook… here's some of their back and forth.
\nJohn Harter of Waterfront Comics, Suisun City, California: The 4 points I lost from Marvel moving to PRH has more than been offset from the 10-15 percent I was paying to Diamond for shipping.\nRichard Evansof Bedrock City Comics, Houston, TExas: I can't imagine ever wanting to revert to a time when all ordering was done through Diamond, especially after realizing the amount of money we have saved by diversifying vendors.