Police are keen to speak to any taxi or bus drivers who may have may have noticed an injury to one of their passengers
People in Nottingham have expressed their concern after two men were stabbed near a nightclub in the early hours of New Year's Day. A large cordon was put in place on the streets surrounding Mojo in Thurland Street whilst police investigated the stabbing, which happened at 4.16am this morning.Muhammad Usman, who works at the nearby St News on Pelham Street, told Nottinghamshire Live the incident was "very concerning".
"It does make you think twice about going out when you hear about things like this. There seems to be so much violence no matter what city you are in. It's quite worrying really, I hope they're OK. It saddens me, it makes me want to hibernate and stay in and not be out late in Nottingham." "You get kind of used to it and it shouldn't be like that. I just hope that they are both OK." A resident at Crusader House above Mojo, who wished to remain anonymous, added: "It is obviously concerning because I have to walk past the area every time I am going home. It is frightening to think that I could have been on that street when it happened.