A drug driver who deliberately crashed his BMW into a pensioner’s bungalow in an attempt to kill himself after having a vicious row with his girlfriend has been jailed.
A drug driver who smashed his BMW into pensioner’s bungalow after drukenly assaulting his partner has been jailed for four years
Mr Vose, who was well over the alcohol limit, grabbed his car keys and said he was going to kill himself before speeding off into the night. The vehicle smashed into Mrs Kearns’ bed, leaving her with two fractured ankles and severe cuts to her legs.She later died from an unrelated illness in hospital, having never returned home after the horror crash.
Bolton Crown Court heard how Vose, previously on a £60,000 salary as a construction manager, had got into his car after assaulting his former girlfriend. Upon hearing the call, Vose got behind the wheel of his BMW X6 despite being more than double the drink drive limit and almost five times over the driving limit for cocaine and said he was going to take his own life.