'Elon, The Everywhere' — Elon Musk keeps in touch more with foreign leaders as Washington worries about his growing presence in global affairs, report says
after officials became uncomfortable with Musk's plan for peace between Russia and Ukraine, according to unnamed sources who spoke with Bloomberg.
Government officials have bolstered Musk's competitors in an effort to reduce their reliance on his businesses, the Post report said. This includes funding competitors to Space X, like, encouraging more electric vehicle makers to compete with Tesla, and looking at replacements for Starlink in Ukraine.
"There's not just SpaceX. There are other entities that we can certainly partner with when it comes to providing Ukraine what they need on the battlefield," aThe Post report notes, however, that there is still a large interest from the US government to "One thing is clear: Musk believes he knows best, and he will do whatever he wants — and that can be good and it can be bad," a member of Congress told the Post.Sign up for notifications from Insider! Stay up to date with what you want to know.