We’ve come a long way from where we once were soon after COVID, when students returned to school buildings and masks were required.
As students return to the classroom Monday morning in the Philadelphia public school district, they will now have the option of wearing face masks instead of being mandated to., face masks are now optional but strongly encouraged where the district only required masks for the first 10 days of the school year., district leaders are saying the mask mandate will return if the COVID-19 Community Level reaches the high level based on CDC standards.
Additionally, the district also announced last month it is implementing mask-to-stay. Students and staff who have been exposed to COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, are no longer required to quarantine at home unless COVID-like symptoms are present. Instead, officials said, they can return to school but are required to wear a high-quality, well-fitted mask for 10 days,If a student tests positive, he or she must isolate at home for at least five days and do virtual learning.