As pandemic restrictions start to come down again, how likely are the 57% of people not...
that around 43% of people in the U.S., or about 140 million people, have been infected with the coronavirus, which leaves almost 60% never having had it. The estimate counts each person once, so some of the more than 140 million Americans estimated to have had COVID may have been infected more than once.
Those who are vaccinated and boosted, he added, “will remain relatively protected even if they do get exposed.” But Chin-Hong and other experts agree that — with some vigilance — it’s still possible to avoid the virus while enjoying life.Chin-Hong said for him, that means still “engaging with life, still eating indoors and all that stuff,” but still having his “spider sense” up for risky situations. For example, if case counts are high like they were in January, “I’m not going to jump up and down in a crowded room,” he said.
“Fundamentally, I still think there are things we can get safer,” he said, adding the government has an obligation to help people move more toward a normal-seeming life while staying safe by doing things like improving ventilation in buildings, especially places like schools, and to make testing and N95 masks widely available for those who need them.