It's time for a budget overhaul. Here are some cost-effective and fool-proof ways to revitalise your diminished bank account after the Christmas period. budget finances
Break out the lunchbox and start bringing your own lunch to work. Although your €4 morning coffee might seem harmless, it can quickly add up. As can the daily €10 salads. But with fruit and veg from 49c in
and fresh fish and meat from €2.89 you could make your weeks supply of lunches for under €10. Treat yourself every now and then to your favourite lunchtime oasis as a reward for your new found savings.If you work in the city centre then you have the luxury of having plenty of coffee choices. We tend to go to the nearest – and often more expensive – cafes for our fixes. But more often than not local barista’s provide cheaper coffee that tastes just as good as larger chain-store coffee shops.
Save €1 for every €1 you spend on alcohol this month . This is by no means a long-term or effective form of saving, but it’s an interesting way to see how much you actually spend each month on alcohol and compare it to how much you could be saving. You can also try this with your smoking habits/monthly bills too.Getting out into nature is the best form of exercise.