Shoreman left Youngstown, New York at roughly 4 p.m. ET on Friday and finished his trip across Lake Ontario at around 1 p.m. Saturday in Toronto.
On May 29, Shoreman successfully crossed Lake Erie from Point Sturgeon, New York, to Crystal Beach, Ontario, a journey he said lasted 17 miles and took seven hours.On June 12, Shoreman crossed Lake Huron, going from Harbor Beach, Michigan to Goderich, Ontario, which provided a major scare.
On July 27, Shoreman paddleboarded to a beach in Chicago after crossing Lake Michigan, finishing a 44-mile, roughly 28-hour journey that began in Union Pier, Michigan. An avid paddleboarder, Shoreman was told he could never paddleboard again after his diagnosis, but didn’t pay attention to that edict.“It sent me on a huge mental health journey,” Shoreman said earlier this summer. “I realized on the other side of where I went, I never want to see kids or young people go to where I went mentally.”, decided to do something about it, his diagnosis be darned.