During the news conference Friday, Moscow police Chief James Fry said while some information was kept hidden to avoid tipping off suspects before they were arrested, a great deal of information can't be shared by Idaho law enforcement due to state law.
on charges he stabbed the four students to death last month. Kohberger is a graduate student at Washington State University, and is being held in Monroe County jail pending extradition to Idaho on a warrant charging first-degree murder.During the news conference, Bill Thompson, Latah County prosecutor, said Kohberger is charged with four counts of first-degree murder and with felony burglary, “for entering a residence with the intent to commit the crime of murder.
Fry thanked the community, other law enforcement agencies, people around the country and news media for assistance in bringing in information for the investigation. “Report anything you know about him to help investigators and our office and the court system understand everything there is to know about the individual, and what happened and why,” Fry said.Kohberger is going to remain jailed in Pennsylvania without bail until some point next week. An extradition hearing for Kohberger is set for 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in Monroe County before Judge Margherita P. Worthington.The hearing will determine the time and manner in which Kohberger is transported to Idaho.
Few other details, including possible motives and the exact events of the grisly killings, are available at this time.