Here are some pictures from Cudi Cup, an international tennis event held at the foot of Sirnak’s mighty Mount Cudi, which is located near to both Türkiye’s Iraq and Syria borders
In the decade of 90s, it was unthinkable to host an international sporting event in Türkiye’s Sirnak province, which has been severely hit by PKK terror attacks.
The international event has been organised by the Türkiye’s youth and sports ministry and its local partners from Sirnak. Here are some pictures from the event and its host city. Sirnak’s first international tennis tournament, Cudi Cup, has witnessed intense matches like this doubles game. Among 81 participants of the event, 37 of them are girls.
The Tunisian team participated in Sirnak’s tennis event with 11 players, five girls and six boys under their coach Ameur Jawahdou, second left. “The organisation of this tournament is better than many other similar events in France, Germany, Serbia and Poland. Courts are good and people are so kind,” Jawahdou tells TRT World.