Event organiser Chisa takes to the catwalk wearing the traditional Japanese kimono. Pic: UCLan The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) hosted its annua
Urgent rethink calls at Ingol roadworks amid reports of multiple crashes in daysThe day was opened by a Soranbushi Dance performance by exchange students from Japan and students who spoke Japanese. There were also activities on offer ranging from Samurai Warrior helmet-making workshops, Anime and Manga presentations and a Japanese-themed runway.Students give a Soranbushi Dance performance.
In total, there were over 30 experiences and displays of Japanese heritage for all guests to get involved in. Ava Jolliffe, a guest said: “My daughter is a deaf and blind wheelchair user and a lover of all things Japanese.“This is the single most inclusive event in the UCLan calendar for her. The joined language services and BSL interpreters were amazing.A new, business-specific element was added to the event this year, exploring UK and Japan trade with guests such as theThe event organiser and senior lecturer in Japanese Studies at UCLan, Takako Amano, is already looking forward to next year’s event.
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