The L.A. Times' editorial board endorsements for statewide ballot measures, elected offices in L.A. city and county, L.A. Unified School District board, L.A. county superior court, statewide offices, the state Legislature and U.S. House and Senate seats.
Proposition 26 would allow sports betting in person at four privately owned horse-racing tracks and at tribal casinos that reach agreements with the state. The measure amounts to a toxic brew of industry interests designed not only to enrich the funders but also to push away their competitors. If California ever decides to embrace sports betting, it should be with a framework that is as evenhanded as possible, and not one that so blatantly picks winners and losers.
When school budgets tighten, programs like music, dance, theater and art are often the first to be cut. Proposition 28 will guarantee an ongoing source of funding to support arts and music education inOn the ballot for a third time, Proposition 29 is a tired retread that could hurt dialysis patients. The added cost of hiring unnecessary staff could force some centers to close or reduce hours.