The parties in the majority will reach an agreement on the windfall tax that the Italian government is imposing on surplus profits made by banks, Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said on Thursday. © ANSA
- ROME, SEP 14 - The parties in the majority will reach an agreement on the windfall tax that the Italian government is imposing on surplus profits made by banks, Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said on Thursday.
"We don't give diktats" and"we just want the rules to be written well in the interest of savers," continued the minister, who criticised the move to introduce a new 40% windfall tax on banks' surplus profits that triggered stock market turmoil the following day. The proposed amendments presented by FI range from the exclusion of smaller banks and ones that are operationally complex to the reinforcement of the idea of a one-off tax, applying only to the year 2023.
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