A judge has given a man, who has 69 previous convictions and helped a murderer by trying to set fire to the victim's body, "a further chance" by jailing him for a year instead of reactivating the two suspended years of his sentence after he was convicted of criminal damage.
A judge has given a man, who has 69 previous convictions and helped a murderer by trying to set fire to the victim's body , "a further chance" by jailing him for a year instead of reactivating the two suspended years of his sentence after he was convicted of criminal damage .
Ms Justice Siobhan Lankford said on Monday that although Matthew Cummins (29) had already been given a chance in a “really serious matter”, he had made an effort undertaking courses and being of good behaviour in prison and for a time upon his release. In September 2021, Cummins was released from prison having already served seven years in custody and was told by sentencing judge Mr Justice Michael White that he was getting a second chance. He warned Cummins not to offend again and added: "You have an opportunity now to lead a life away from crime, so take it.
Judge Man Previous Convictions Murderer Set Fire Victim's Body Chance Jailing Sentence Criminal Damage