While skin tags are usually pain free, 48% of sufferers said that having a visible skin tag made them self-conscious but you can seemingly get rid of your discomfort in a matter of days
Having a skin tag can be frustrating. While usually harmless and painless, they can impact sufferers in alternative ways.
There are also several reasons why someone may develop a skin tag, though skin tags are most common in older people, those with type 2 diabetes and pregnant women, as a result of hormonal changes.Most skin tag sufferers would consult a doctor to get their skin tag removed and are still advised to do so.
According to the Excilor website, you must first clean the area around the skin tag with warm water. Next, apply the flat adhesive patch, provided in the removal kit, and place it on the skin tag. Wait 6 days, and then carefully remove the plaster. Your skin tag should have been completely removed. One customer says that their skin tag fell off in just 3 days, while another customer added “Bit dubious about using these but I had 2 skin tags in the crease of my neck that kept catching on stuff and were quite sizable. I took the plasters off after 6 days and the tag had dried up and both fell off. I'm now skin tag free!”.