Courthouse observers agree that partisan “waves” toss good judges, but the Legislature...
Judge Jefferson Moore of the 186th District Court pauses while cleaning out his office Wednesday morning to sign paperwork for defense attorney Louis Martinez. Moore is retiring and did not seek re-election.Days before his term was to end, Judge Jefferson Moore packed up his office and said goodbye to his 186th District Court staff, heading for a New Year’s weekend campout.
“I was unopposed on the second round , which was helpful because it was a Democratic year,” Moore said. “I survived.” He called it “fascinating” how Texas has been red for so long, but in some counties Democrats dominate. Gov. Greg Abbott helped it along by appointing “people who could not win in a blue stranglehold” to fill vacancies, but at this point no Republican appointee could survive the next election in Bexar County, Taylor said.
Republicans began competing seriously in Texas in the 1970s and cemented their statewide control at the turn of the century, but Bexar County began leaning blue in 2016, and the trend has continued.