'The election this fall may be our last chance to bring into power progressive politicians who will green American energy policy; if we fail, the fossil fuel billionaires and their wholly-owned GOP will take over completely.'
It was, the article noted, a billion-dollar windfall for the for-profit power companies and their wealthy executives and investors.
"Moreover, I will soon submit legislation to Congress calling for the creation of this nation's first solar bank which will help us achieve the crucial goal of twenty percent of our energy coming from solar power by the year 2000." Within minutes of his finishing his speech, the fossil fuel industry and the politicians they own went on the attack. Although Carterthe word"malaise" in his speech, they labeled it that in hundreds of articles and op-eds, a title that sticks to this day.
Today, stickers are showing up on gas pumps all across the nation with pictures of President Biden pointing in the direction of the gas price with the,"I did that" as if Democrats, rather than Republicans, had been pushing a fossil-fuel-based economy and fighting against green energy for 45 years. The utter, defiant disdain these sellouts have for our nation and the future of our children is both breathtaking and disgusting.