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For anyone looking to lose weight, tone up or be inspired, it’s easy to get caught up in the slew of photos online.
From weight loss memes on Facebook, Instagram’s ‘Transformation Tuesday’ and the clean eating craze, the pressure women can feel to attain the ‘perfect’ body can be heavily dictated by the photos bombarding them on a daily basis., decided to banish some of the body hang-ups and show how the super flat, slimmed down tummies of the #fitspo models aren’t always as they seem.
In four snaps shared to her account, she showed that angle, lighting and position can change how your body photographs:“We aren’t barbies. We are made of flesh and blood. These are all the same body — my body. I have worked hard for this body and I am proud of this body. In a world where we are surrounded by the images of our friends highlight reel sometimes it’s good to see a little reality so we can keep our expectations real.