Police raided The Railway in Altrincham and uncovered 'significant evidence' it was being used to offer 'sexual services'
A man and a woman who were arrested after officers raided a pub and found 'significant evidence' it was being used to offer 'sexual services' have both been bailed, police have confirmed.
On Wednesday afternoon at the pub, all of the lights were off, the door was locked, and those passing by were met with a bold sign - a reminder of the court's closure order in place - 'to prevent nuisance and disorder'. Those living locally said the pub, which was recently revamped as an Irish bar, was 'always empty', with one woman claiming the 'lights were on and curtains were closed' in the early hours of the morning on the upper floor.
Standing in their doorway, another Churchill Road resident said: "It's always dead; it didn't look right, you know, like a functioning pub. We never see anyone going in or out. "Two persons have been arrested for crimes relating to controlling prostitution for gain and today, the magistrates issued an order on application from the council closing the premises for three months. A review of the premises licence will now be requested."