The final word on 2022: Ginger signs off on KBCO.
She’s the best! Will miss hearing her voice, her excellent music knowledge and fantastic music.She's been a wonderful daily guest in my house since way back when. Enjoy your next adventure, Ginger! You will be missed.Ginger and KBCO, nobody does it better. Thanks for the decades of sharing your voice, talent, fun and professionalism. You are missed, my friend.Ginger, I'm going to miss having you in my home, car and place of work. I listened to you for over thirty years.
Ginger, you have been the heartbeat of the Old Boulder I loved. Without you, it’s going to just have to be a Brave New World — maybe some new DJ will create a new Boulder vibe for the next generation of KBCO listeners.I warned them she would quit if they forced her to play"Walking in Memphis" one more time...I have followed Ginger since the day she started. She’s the only person on the air that spoke kindly about Nebraska.