The REopt® web tool is a techno-economic decision support platform used by researchers to optimize energy systems for buildings, campuses, communities, microgrids, and more. Users enter site-specific data to determine the optimal size and combination of energy systems
data sets, which contain projected long-run marginal emission rate estimates through 2050 for the contiguous United States.
REopt evaluates the economic viability, resiliency, and emissions impacts of renewable energy and battery storage systems at a site. This interactive graph shows an energy dispatch strategy optimized by REopt. Photo by Deborah Lastowka, NRELREopt users can tailor their analyses to help them pursue different types of clean energy goals. These include, for instance:
Percent climate emissions reduction targets, to help users answer a question such as, “How do I reduce my site’s COemissions by 50% with an investment in distributed energy resources, relative to current operations?”