Angie, not her real name, was just 15 in the late 60s when Savile groomed and attacked her, marking the start of years of horrific abuse from which she has never recovered.
A brave woman repeatedly raped by Jimmy Savile has spoken publicly for the first time since she helped to unmask the paedophile, 10 years ago today.
“Without Mark we wouldn’t be where we are now. He had a difficult time getting the documentary to air, but he fought and achieved it. He did not give up on it, nor us five victims.” She said: “I didn’t know what was happening. I was shocked. Kids in those days didn’t talk about sex, I had no idea about anything like that. I was absolutely frightened, it was all so scary and I froze.
She said: “I know he was connected to the criminal underworld and it was made clear, whatever he did, you just did not say anything. I was told at the time he knew the Krays. He menaced us with the presence of minders from the underworld. So it wasn’t just abuse that we suffered, but fear for our lives.