Officials are racing against a self-imposed deadline, even though it's not clear if a deal can be reached.
For those gun control advocates, a bipartisan effort to find common ground has been a long time coming. In the days after the shooting in Uvalde, demonstrators — who included gun violence survivors — at the Capitol sought to put pressure on lawmakers. As is often routine, only Democratic lawmakers were there to greet them.
While her party holds control of the White House and Congress, they fall 10 votes short in the Senate to approve bills to address the country's mass shootings. And skepticism to overcome that gap runs deep in Congress and beyond. Schumer now says if these new talks fail, a vote will be on tap regardless to show where every senator stands.One of those key negotiators is Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn, who visited the scene of the shooting in Uvalde. Cornyn has led past negotiations for Republicans on narrow limits to gun access.
Murphy was elected to Congress just before the deadly shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in his home state 10 years ago and has worked since on gun control measures.