'The cost of living is a worry for me. How am I going to cope?'
As the cost of living crisis continues, and Westminster wrangles, volunteers in Greater Manchester are bringing support, hope, and friendship to thousands of people. Volunteers like the team at Trinity Foodbank, which includes Jenny Platt. Jenny knows what it's like to hit the bottom, to pick yourself up and rebuild your life.
“I’m finding it really hard,” new mum Stella Odibe says. “It would be so difficult without this place. This morning we’ve had our breakfasts and now we’re going home with food items.” “Coming here gets me out of the house,” Jaqueline Donoghue, 40, says as she sits with a cup of tea. “Since Covid, I’ve always kept myself locked in. When I come here, it makes me feel happy. I can talk to people
“I come down every Friday for a coffee,” he says. “I can come and do my crossword and speak to people. “One man will come for a food parcel and will go and sit in the café and read his newspaper all morning just to stay warm. You don’t ask them why they’re here or if they’re struggling, but you can tell.