His long dreadlocks make him instantly recognisable 🤩
Strictly Come Dancing star Hamza Yassin is instantly recognisable for his long dreadlocks that almost touch the floor, and their incredible length is due to the fact that he hasn't had a haircut in 17 years.
Speaking on ITV's This Morning, Hamza said: "I remember, my mum used to sit me down, me, my brother and my dad, and just give us the number two the whole time.Although he hasn't had a proper chop, Hamza has admitted to trimming his long locks once or twice, purely for practical reasons. Speaking to The Herald, Hamza explained: "I planned to follow my family, who are all medics, into the profession.
"So, I told my family I wanted to do wildlife film-making, switched to zoology and they were 100 per cent behind me."