'But what I came to slowly realize is, little by little, they were chipping away at the size of the rocket they said they could launch, misrepresenting things, and spending all this money on consultants. They had carte blanche,' said Jim Goodman
im Goodman graduated from high school in Camden County, Georgia, in the thick of the space race, in 1965. Ten years ago, he came home to a place not so different from the one he left—largely rural, few career opportunities, sparse economic development.
“When the spaceport first was announced, I was so much in favor of it—I would love to see an economic engine in Camden County,” Goodman, now a city councilman in the county’s only city, St. Marys, population 18,000, told The Daily Beast. “But what I came to slowly realize is, little by little, they were chipping away at the size of the rocket they said they could launch, misrepresenting things, and spending all this money on consultants. They had carte blanche.
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