A close friend of Queen Elizabeth II has hailed the upcoming season of The Crown as ‘vicious’ and claims it would have ‘destroyed’ the late monarch.
, Dame Judi said that Sir John Major was ‘not alone’ in his concerns about The Crown presenting ‘an inaccurate and hurtful account of history.’She wrote: ‘The closer the drama comes to our present times, the more freely it seems willing to blur the lines between historical accuracy and crude sensationalism.’
Dame Judi added that she worries about overseas viewers taking The Crown’s history as being ‘wholly true’. She continued: ‘Given some of the wounding suggestions apparently contained in the new series — that King Charles plotted for his mother to abdicate, for example, or once suggested his mother’s parenting was so deficient that she might have deserved a jail sentence — this is both cruelly unjust to the individuals and damaging to the institution they represent.The Crown premieres on November 9