It's been 12 years since Marlana McElvaine went missing in September of 2010. She was just 27 years old and a mother of two, caring for a newborn and a toddler. More
"So tomorrow we celebrate her birthday and she's not here," Dian McElvaine said."You have no closure and there's just this void in our hearts. We go on, we do the things, we have to do, but we have no answers and we're just hoping that someday ... we can give her the proper goodbye that she deserves."
"Very shortly, I'm going to be declaring her deceased because I do not think that she's just somewhere," Dian McElvaine said."She never would have left her family - left her kids. She wouldn't have left her life." "I had actually stopped talking to her that last time that I saw her because I knew she was gonna go back to her ex," Janean McElvaine said."Because I knew it was a bad relationship. I was around and I witnessed enough to know how bad it was. How much domestic violence there was because I witnessed it. I had to go pick her up many times from the abuse."