Pakistan has shot down two Indian Air Force planes in its airspace in Kashmir.
File photo of Indian Air Force aircrafts Image: Xinhua News Agency/PA Images File photo of Indian Air Force aircrafts Image: Xinhua News Agency/PA Images PAKISTAN HAS SHOT down two Indian Air Force planes in its airspace in Kashmir. One Indian pilot has been captured. “PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace,” a military spokesman tweeting, adding that one aircraft had fallen in Pakistani-held Kashmir, while the other crashed on the Indian side.
PTI said the Pakistani jets dropped bombs while returning but that there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The Pakistani foreign office also released a statement saying that the air force “undertook strikes” across the border, known as the Line of Control, today. However, it did not elaborate on what it meant by “strikes” and did not mention shooting down planes. It said the strikes were aimed at a “non military target”, adding: “We have no intention of escalation”.