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Lollapalooza, City of Chicago extend contract 10 more yearsLightfoot's office said the deal comes with an 'estimated future financial impact of nearly $4 billion for the Chicago economy.'
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Lollapalooza Will Stay in Chicago For Another 10 Years, Mayor Lori Lightfoot SaysChicago’s most popular music festival isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. As Lollapalooza neared the end of its fourth and final day Sunday, Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced an agreement to keep the festival in Grant Park for at least another 10 years. A contract announced between C3 Presents, the company behind Lollapalooza, and the city of Chicago calls for the Chicago…
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Coney Island public housing still struggling with repairs, broken cooking gas 10 years after SandyHundreds of families in the O’Dwyer Gardens have been calling for the city to restore cooking gas since construction broke ground on NYCHA’s Resilience and Recovery project in February.
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Lollapalooza Will Stay in Chicago For Another 10 Years With New AgreementChicago’s most popular music festival isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. As Lollapalooza neared the end of its fourth and final day Sunday, Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced an agreement to keep the festival in Grant Park for at least another 10 years. A contract announced between C3 Presents, the company behind Lollapalooza, and the city of Chicago calls for the Chicago…
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Madison County Schools places 10 books in restricted circulationMississippi libraries have also seen pushback over materials in Ridgeland and Biloxi, though no library materials have been removed from the shelves yet.
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